New Zealand Memories Issue 101

New Zealand Memories Issue 101 - Contents
The Polish Children’s Camp of Pahiatua 4
Stanislaw Manterys records the epic journey from Poland to Pahiatua.
Remember the Junior Digest 11
Nostalgia from Tony Russell.
Oscar Natzka 12
Christopher Moor profiles the New Zealand-born opera singer.
Exit Stage Right 16
An enchanting story from Joyce Powell.
From the Regions: Northland 20
No News Was Bad News! 30
Part II : The people’s voice by Hugh Hickman.
Centrefold: 36
Twirl those parasols.
Flood of the Century 38
Gore Historical Museum & Hokonui Heritage Research Centre.
A Claim to Fame 44
Les Murphy’s family research uncovers significant details.
My Great Uncle Sam McMillan 46
A poignant tale from Ivan Dominikovich.
New to Print 49
Sturdy as an Old Sea-Warrior 50
The Rover 9/20: story and photographs from Miles Dillon.
Nydia Bay - A World Away 52
A journey to the Marlborough Sounds with Kristina Jensen.
Finding Time 56
John de Bonnaire, Wellington Railway Station and a Roamer watch.
From the Regions: Bay of Plenty/Coromandel 58
Mailbox 68
Index and Genealogy List 70
Editor’s Choice 72
‘Cheaper to Maintain Than Horses’
Cover image: Polish children arrive at the Pahiatua Railway
Station on 1 November 1944.
Courtesy of the J. Zawada collection via S. Manterys.

New Zealand Memories Issue 101 - Index


Academy of Music (Thames)                   65

advertisements                                        33

Alldays & Onions                                  72

Alldays motorcar                                     72

Anglican Church                                    28

Aramoho Railway Workshops                  45

army trucks                                              8

Associated Motors Ltd                             50

Auckland City                        33,45,47, 50

Auckland soprano                                   14

Auckland Star                                         32

Auckland Times                                      35

Auckland Weekly News                            32



BALLARD  Charles Dargaville                29

                    Muriel                               29

                    Norman                             29

BARRON  Mr. C.                                 34

Barton’s circus                                        40

basso                                                     12

Bay of Plenty                                          58

BEECHAM  Sir Thomas                         14

beer                                                       64

Bible Class camps                                   24

blacksmith                                             12

Blenheim                                               72

Boer War                                               47

BOURNE  George                                  32

Bowmast’s tailors                                    42

brewery                                                  64

BROWNLEE  John                                12

Brownlee’s Mill                                      55

Brownlie and Sons                                  42

BYTHEWAY  Martha                             45



Cafler Building                                      23

Cafler’s Corner                                       22

Captain Butt’s Shortland Hotel                64

car rally                                                  72

CARTER  Emma                                    12

CARTWRIGHT  Miss                           17

Chief Hansard                                        34

children’s camp                                        4

children’s magazine                                 11

chlorine gas                                            47

CLEMENTS  Winifred                           14

Club Hotel (Gore)                                  42

COLBECK  Mr.                                    28

COLEGROVE  Rev.                               28

COOPER  Theophilus                           65

Coromandel                                           67

Covent Garden                                       14

Craig’s Mill                                           52

Criterion Hotel                                       72

CROFT  George                                     28



daily newspapers                                     31

Dargaville                                              28

DARGAVILLE  Amy                              29

                          Annie                          28

                          J.M.                            29

                          Joseph                         28

                         Muriel                          29



DAVIS  Catherine Canton                       44

             Martha                                      44

             Mary Ann                                 44

             Mary Ann Jnr                           44

             Thomas                                    44

de THIERRY  Baron                               45

DEUGARD  Mr. S.                                72

Devonport Beach                                    47

drover                                                    26

droving                                                  26

Dunedin                                                57

DUNFORD  Alan                                 11



East Gore                                               39

EDGE  Keith                                          17

Education                                               63

EHRENFRIED  Brothers                        64



FALWASSER  Henry                              35

farm dog                                                26

farming                                                  43

Fencible soldier                                      45

Festival Queen Contest                            60

financial cost (flood)                                42

FITZGERALD  George                           31

flag signals                                             20

flag signals’ code                                     20

Flemings Cremoata Mill                          43

FLETT  Arthur                                      39

floats                                                      60

flood (Gore)                                           38

flood protection scheme (Gore)                43

FOGGIN  Mr.                                       17

forced labour camps                                  6

FRASER  Peter                                         5

Freeman’s Bay                                        12



gala                                                        36

GALLI-CURCI  Amelita                         12

Galpin’s farm                                         24

GARCIA  Albert                                    12

GARRATT  William                              12

gas warfare (WW I)                                47

GODBER  Albert Percy                          59

gold                                                       31

goldfield (Thames)                                 64

Gore                                                      38

Gore bridge                                            41

GOULDING  Fritz Stanley                     28

Grahamstown                                         64



H&J Smith                                            42

HALLMOND  John Douglas                 29

Hamner Springs Sanitorium                    47

hand press                                             32

HARMAN  Annie                                  29

                   Edward                               29

Hatea River                                      23, 24

Hawera                                                  10

HEAPS  Tommy                                    17

HENDERSON  Mr & Mrs                    40

HIGGINSON  Nicholas                         29

Hokianga Harbour                            20, 45

Holy Trinity Church                              28

HOSKING  Amy Catherine                    29

                    Frank                                 29



Illustrated NZ Herald                              32



Jacobstown                                             39

JONES  Frederick N.                              36

Junction Hotel                                        64

Junior Digest                                           11




Kaihu                                                    29

Karaka Stream                                         64

Kati Mamoearika                                     43

Kawakawa                                               21

Kawerau mill                                          32

KELSO  Archie                                       17

Kennedys Bay                                         67

KLEIN  George                                      29

              Maggie                                     29

Kohukohu                                              25



League of Nations                                     7

Ligar Canal                                            45

linotype                                                 32

lithography                                            32



MacDONALD  Mrs.                              65

magazine (Junior Digest)                          11

MAHONEY Mr. E.                                28

Mangawhare                                           26

Marlborough Express                                72

Marlborough Sounds                              52

MARTIN  Dr.                                       31

Maruawai                                               43

Masefield’s fish factory                            22

MASSEY  Horace                                    29

                 Sophia                                  29

Mataura                                                 43

Mataura Ensign                                      39

Mataura Freezing Works                          43

Mataura Valley                                        39

McCORMICK  Mr. E.H.                       33

McMILLAN  Maria                                47

McMILLAN Samuel Thomas                  46

MEERS  Mr. R.W.                                 63

MITCHELSON  Edwin                         29

                             Sir Edwin                  45

motor vehicle dealership                          50

motorcar (Alldays)                                  72

motorcar (Rover 9 / 20)                       1,50

Mount Messenger                                   50

Murchison Earthquake                            72

MURPHY  James Joseph                         44

                   Mary Ann                           44

MUST  Annie                                        29



N.Z. Pictorial News                                 33

National Centennial Music Festival          14

NATZKA  Oscar                                    12


NATZKE  August                                  12

                  Emma                                  12

                  Frank Oscar                         12            

NEATE  Kenneth                                   14

Nelson                                                   36

Nelson Examiner                                     31

nervous breakdowns                                47

New Zealand Mail                                  33

New Zealand National Orchestra              12

New Zealander                                       33

newspaper delivery                                  31

newspapers                                             30

Ngongotaha                                            16

Ngunguru Easter Camp                          24

Northern Wairoa                                    26

Northern Wairoa River                           28

Northland                                              20

Nydia Bay                                              52

Nydia timber mill                                  52

NZ Advertiser and Bay of Islands Gazette   31

NZ Herald and Auckland Gazette             31



opera                                                     12

opera singer                                            12

Opotiki                                                  59

Opouri Valley                                        52

Orange Festival                                       60

Orange Lodge                                         28

Otago Daily Times                                   31

Otago Medical School                              57

Otago Witness                                         32

Otorohonga                                            68




Pacific Hotel                                           65

Paeroa                                                    66

Pahiatua                                                   4

Pahiatua Railway Station                            7

Palmerston North                                     8

Palmerston North Railway Station              8

Papamoa                                                63

paper mills                                             32

paper suplliers                                        31

parasols                                                  36

parliamentary reporters                            34

PATTERSON  Mrs.                               18

PEAK Mr. O.D.                                     17

Pethybridge Butchery                              18

petrol prices                                           50

Phoenix brewery                                     64

photo engraving                                      32

Photographic Weekly                                 33

picnics                                                   24

Polish Boys’ Hostel                                 10

Polish children                                         4

Polish Children’s Camp                           4

Polish Girls’ Hostle                                10

Polish Government                                   7

Polish orphans                                         5

politics (newspapers)                               31

postcards                                                23

POWELL  Alan                                         



printing press                                         31

publishing                                             31



QUAIFE  Rev. B.                                   31




RADCLIFFE  Frederick George               23

                        Kate                               23

                        Olive                             23

railway                                                   69

railway (Kawakawa)                                 21

rationing (WW II)                                 19

Rawene                                                  21

Rawene School                                        21

Rawene Sunday School                            25

refugee children                                        5

refugees (Polish)                                       8

Reliability Run’                                      50

rescue (flood)                                         40

Roamer watch                                         56

Rose bootmakers                                     42

ROSING  Vladimir                                14

Rotorua                                            17, 58

Rover 9 / 20                                       1,50

Royal Canadian Navy                              14

Royal Hotel                                            65

Ruakaka Domain                                    24

RULE  Keith                                          60

RULE  Lorraine                                      60

rural newspapers                                     31

Russell                                                   22

Russell Beach                                         22

RYAN  John                                          44



SAMUELS  Homer                                 12

Sanford Ltd                                            47

school choir                                            17

school concert                                         18

school music                                          17

school uniform                                       17

seaside                                                   36

SHAW  Miss                                         17

shell-shock (WW I)                                47


                Canton                                   44

                Drayton Grange                      46

                General Randall                        5

                H.M.S Manchester                  29

                Mariposa                                28

                Nimrod                                  44

SHORT  Mr. & Mrs                              67

SHORTLAND  Mr.                               31

signal station                                          20

SIMPKIN  Alvan (Danny)                      26

                   Joan                                    26

singing                                                  12

social centres (hotels)                               65

South Head                                            20

South Island floods                                 42

SPENCE  Thomas                                  39

Star Hotel (Kawakawa)                             21

STEVENSON  Forrest                            40

Sunday School picnic                              24



T.J. Inglis                                              12

Tahunanui Beach                                    36

tapdancing                                             17

Tauranga                                                60

Tauranga Racecourse                               60

TE AWHA PARORE                             28

telegraph line                                          31

Temperance movement                            65

tented miners                                         65

Tenth Contingent (WW I)                      46

Tetio                                                      25

Thames                                                  64

Thames goldfield                                    64

Thames hotels                                        64

The Press (Christchurch)                         32

The Strand (Tauranga)                            62

THOMAS  Mr. W.H.                            33

timber milling                                        55

tramway                                                 53

Treaty of Waitangi                                  45

Trentham Military Camp                        47

Trinity College of Music                         12

Turnbull’s saddlery                                42

TYRER  Anderson                                  12



Ursuline Sisters                                      10



van WINTRINGHAM  Mr.                   72              

VEALE  Miss                                          17             




W. Lewis & Co.                                     42

W. Phipps Bakery                                  22

Waiheke Island                                       12

Waihi                                                    65

Waikaia                                                  43

Waikumete Cemetery                              47

Waimangu                                             58

Waitangi                                                45

Wanganui                                              10

Wanganui                                              45

weekly newspapers                                  33

Wellington                                    6,10, 50

Wellington Hospital                               57

Wellington Railway Station                      56

Wellington Town Hall                            15

Whangarei                                             23

Wharepai Domain                                  60

Wharepuhunga                                      12

Whau Creek                                           45

Whitianga                                              67

Wild Cat Express                                   65

WILLIAMSON  John                            33

Wilson & Horton Ltd                             33

WINKLEMANN  Henry                        33

woodcuts                                                32

Woodville                                              69

WRIGHT  Gertrude                               29

wrist watch                                             56

WW II                                              5, 18








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Academy of Music (Thames)                   65

advertisements                                        33

Alldays & Onions                                  72

Alldays motorcar                                     72

Anglican Church                                    28

Aramoho Railway Workshops                  45

army trucks                                              8

Associated Motors Ltd                             50

Auckland City                        33,45,47, 50

Auckland soprano                                   14

Auckland Star                                         32

Auckland Times                                      35

Auckland Weekly News                            32



BALLARD  Charles Dargaville                29

                    Muriel                               29

                    Norman                             29

BARRON  Mr. C.                                 34

Barton’s circus                                        40

basso                                                     12

Bay of Plenty                                          58

BEECHAM  Sir Thomas                         14

beer                                                       64

Bible Class camps                                   24

blacksmith                                             12

Blenheim                                               72

Boer War                                               47

BOURNE  George                                  32

Bowmast’s tailors                                    42

brewery                                                  64

BROWNLEE  John                                12

Brownlee’s Mill                                      55

Brownlie and Sons                                  42

BYTHEWAY  Martha                             45



Cafler Building                                      23

Cafler’s Corner                                       22

Captain Butt’s Shortland Hotel                64

car rally                                                  72

CARTER  Emma                                    12

CARTWRIGHT  Miss                           17

Chief Hansard                                        34

children’s camp                                        4

children’s magazine                                 11

chlorine gas                                            47

CLEMENTS  Winifred                           14

Club Hotel (Gore)                                  42

COLBECK  Mr.                                    28

COLEGROVE  Rev.                               28

COOPER  Theophilus                           65

Coromandel                                           67

Covent Garden                                       14

Craig’s Mill                                           52

Criterion Hotel                                       72

CROFT  George                                     28



daily newspapers                                     31

Dargaville                                              28

DARGAVILLE  Amy                              29

                          Annie                          28

                          J.M.                            29

                          Joseph                         28

                         Muriel                          29



DAVIS  Catherine Canton                       44

             Martha                                      44

             Mary Ann                                 44

             Mary Ann Jnr                           44

             Thomas                                    44

de THIERRY  Baron                               45

DEUGARD  Mr. S.                                72

Devonport Beach                                    47

drover                                                    26

droving                                                  26

Dunedin                                                57

DUNFORD  Alan                                 11



East Gore                                               39

EDGE  Keith                                          17

Education                                               63

EHRENFRIED  Brothers                        64



FALWASSER  Henry                              35

farm dog                                                26

farming                                                  43

Fencible soldier                                      45

Festival Queen Contest                            60

financial cost (flood)                                42

FITZGERALD  George                           31

flag signals                                             20

flag signals’ code                                     20

Flemings Cremoata Mill                          43

FLETT  Arthur                                      39

floats                                                      60

flood (Gore)                                           38

flood protection scheme (Gore)                43

FOGGIN  Mr.                                       17

forced labour camps                                  6

FRASER  Peter                                         5

Freeman’s Bay                                        12



gala                                                        36

GALLI-CURCI  Amelita                         12

Galpin’s farm                                         24

GARCIA  Albert                                    12

GARRATT  William                              12

gas warfare (WW I)                                47

GODBER  Albert Percy                          59

gold                                                       31

goldfield (Thames)                                 64

Gore                                                      38

Gore bridge                                            41

GOULDING  Fritz Stanley                     28

Grahamstown                                         64



H&J Smith                                            42

HALLMOND  John Douglas                 29

Hamner Springs Sanitorium                    47

hand press                                             32

HARMAN  Annie                                  29

                   Edward                               29

Hatea River                                      23, 24

Hawera                                                  10

HEAPS  Tommy                                    17

HENDERSON  Mr & Mrs                    40

HIGGINSON  Nicholas                         29

Hokianga Harbour                            20, 45

Holy Trinity Church                              28

HOSKING  Amy Catherine                    29

                    Frank                                 29



Illustrated NZ Herald                              32



Jacobstown                                             39

JONES  Frederick N.                              36

Junction Hotel                                        64

Junior Digest                                           11




Kaihu                                                    29

Karaka Stream                                         64

Kati Mamoearika                                     43

Kawakawa                                               21

Kawerau mill                                          32

KELSO  Archie                                       17

Kennedys Bay                                         67

KLEIN  George                                      29

              Maggie                                     29

Kohukohu                                              25



League of Nations                                     7

Ligar Canal                                            45

linotype                                                 32

lithography                                            32



MacDONALD  Mrs.                              65

magazine (Junior Digest)                          11

MAHONEY Mr. E.                                28

Mangawhare                                           26

Marlborough Express                                72

Marlborough Sounds                              52

MARTIN  Dr.                                       31

Maruawai                                               43

Masefield’s fish factory                            22

MASSEY  Horace                                    29

                 Sophia                                  29

Mataura                                                 43

Mataura Ensign                                      39

Mataura Freezing Works                          43

Mataura Valley                                        39

McCORMICK  Mr. E.H.                       33

McMILLAN  Maria                                47

McMILLAN Samuel Thomas                  46

MEERS  Mr. R.W.                                 63

MITCHELSON  Edwin                         29

                             Sir Edwin                  45

motor vehicle dealership                          50

motorcar (Alldays)                                  72

motorcar (Rover 9 / 20)                       1,50

Mount Messenger                                   50

Murchison Earthquake                            72

MURPHY  James Joseph                         44

                   Mary Ann                           44

MUST  Annie                                        29



N.Z. Pictorial News                                 33

National Centennial Music Festival          14

NATZKA  Oscar                                    12


NATZKE  August                                  12

                  Emma                                  12

                  Frank Oscar                         12            

NEATE  Kenneth                                   14

Nelson                                                   36

Nelson Examiner                                     31

nervous breakdowns                                47

New Zealand Mail                                  33

New Zealand National Orchestra              12

New Zealander                                       33

newspaper delivery                                  31

newspapers                                             30

Ngongotaha                                            16

Ngunguru Easter Camp                          24

Northern Wairoa                                    26

Northern Wairoa River                           28

Northland                                              20

Nydia Bay                                              52

Nydia timber mill                                  52

NZ Advertiser and Bay of Islands Gazette   31

NZ Herald and Auckland Gazette             31



opera                                                     12

opera singer                                            12

Opotiki                                                  59

Opouri Valley                                        52

Orange Festival                                       60

Orange Lodge                                         28

Otago Daily Times                                   31

Otago Medical School                              57

Otago Witness                                         32

Otorohonga                                            68




Pacific Hotel                                           65

Paeroa                                                    66

Pahiatua                                                   4

Pahiatua Railway Station                            7

Palmerston North                                     8

Palmerston North Railway Station              8

Papamoa                                                63

paper mills                                             32

paper suplliers                                        31

parasols                                                  36

parliamentary reporters                            34

PATTERSON  Mrs.                               18

PEAK Mr. O.D.                                     17

Pethybridge Butchery                              18

petrol prices                                           50

Phoenix brewery                                     64

photo engraving                                      32

Photographic Weekly                                 33

picnics                                                   24

Polish Boys’ Hostel                                 10

Polish children                                         4

Polish Children’s Camp                           4

Polish Girls’ Hostle                                10

Polish Government                                   7

Polish orphans                                         5

politics (newspapers)                               31

postcards                                                23

POWELL  Alan                                         



printing press                                         31

publishing                                             31



QUAIFE  Rev. B.                                   31




RADCLIFFE  Frederick George               23

                        Kate                               23

                        Olive                             23

railway                                                   69

railway (Kawakawa)                                 21

rationing (WW II)                                 19

Rawene                                                  21

Rawene School                                        21

Rawene Sunday School                            25

refugee children                                        5

refugees (Polish)                                       8

Reliability Run’                                      50

rescue (flood)                                         40

Roamer watch                                         56

Rose bootmakers                                     42

ROSING  Vladimir                                14

Rotorua                                            17, 58

Rover 9 / 20                                       1,50

Royal Canadian Navy                              14

Royal Hotel                                            65

Ruakaka Domain                                    24

RULE  Keith                                          60

RULE  Lorraine                                      60

rural newspapers                                     31

Russell                                                   22

Russell Beach                                         22

RYAN  John                                          44



SAMUELS  Homer                                 12

Sanford Ltd                                            47

school choir                                            17

school concert                                         18

school music                                          17

school uniform                                       17

seaside                                                   36

SHAW  Miss                                         17

shell-shock (WW I)                                47


                Canton                                   44

                Drayton Grange                      46

                General Randall                        5

                H.M.S Manchester                  29

                Mariposa                                28

                Nimrod                                  44

SHORT  Mr. & Mrs                              67

SHORTLAND  Mr.                               31

signal station                                          20

SIMPKIN  Alvan (Danny)                      26

                   Joan                                    26

singing                                                  12

social centres (hotels)                               65

South Head                                            20

South Island floods                                 42

SPENCE  Thomas                                  39

Star Hotel (Kawakawa)                             21

STEVENSON  Forrest                            40

Sunday School picnic                              24



T.J. Inglis                                              12

Tahunanui Beach                                    36

tapdancing                                             17

Tauranga                                                60

Tauranga Racecourse                               60

TE AWHA PARORE                             28

telegraph line                                          31

Temperance movement                            65

tented miners                                         65

Tenth Contingent (WW I)                      46

Tetio                                                      25

Thames                                                  64

Thames goldfield                                    64

Thames hotels                                        64

The Press (Christchurch)                         32

The Strand (Tauranga)                            62

THOMAS  Mr. W.H.                            33

timber milling                                        55

tramway                                                 53

Treaty of Waitangi                                  45

Trentham Military Camp                        47

Trinity College of Music                         12

Turnbull’s saddlery                                42

TYRER  Anderson                                  12



Ursuline Sisters                                      10



van WINTRINGHAM  Mr.                   72              

VEALE  Miss                                          17             




W. Lewis & Co.                                     42

W. Phipps Bakery                                  22

Waiheke Island                                       12

Waihi                                                    65

Waikaia                                                  43

Waikumete Cemetery                              47

Waimangu                                             58

Waitangi                                                45

Wanganui                                              10

Wanganui                                              45

weekly newspapers                                  33

Wellington                                    6,10, 50

Wellington Hospital                               57

Wellington Railway Station                      56

Wellington Town Hall                            15

Whangarei                                             23

Wharepai Domain                                  60

Wharepuhunga                                      12

Whau Creek                                           45

Whitianga                                              67

Wild Cat Express                                   65

WILLIAMSON  John                            33

Wilson & Horton Ltd                             33

WINKLEMANN  Henry                        33

woodcuts                                                32

Woodville                                              69

WRIGHT  Gertrude                               29

wrist watch                                             56

WW II                                              5, 18